Posts Tagged ‘Twitter’

How can I tweet the deets, w/o Twitter?!

Posted: August 7, 2009 by chaplind in News
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I find it funny and ironic that the moment I find something twitter worthy that Twitter goes down. And not the goes down for a few minutes and comes back down, I mean the shut down, won’t load, and 0% chance of me actually using twitter. However, through all my rage, I don’t blame twitter, I blame black hat hackers who think the idea of DDOS attacks are funny. For those of you who haven’t checked digg today, check out this article (,8599,1915003,00.html?iid=digg_share) from Time about how twitter was brought down to its knees.

Anyway, the best review of GI Joe: the rise of cobra from a D.Rile,  “This movie was better then anything my childhood imagination ever came up with.” A statement that is perfect summary of the awesomeness that is GI Joe the movie, and its relation to the toys that we all used to enjoy.

An actual full review coming up after the break. (AKA after Hawk boy here goes and finishes up his “important” work, because he must talk about how much this movie rocked his soxs off)

Knowing is half the battle!

-Logging out-

Edit:  Chappy misquoted me so I fixed it. – Rile

Double edit: stupid wordpress pre-settings! This post was originally supposed to be on my site ( Any way I’ll leave here for the time being.